Please read the new scientific research published in the FASEB Journal of Biological Research online about Catalase and gray hair. It is also translated into Greek.
In particular, a group of scientists from the School of Health Sciences of the University of Bradford in the UK, reports that in people who bleach their hair, massive oxidative stress develops through the accumulation of hydrogen peroxide in the hair follicle, which causes the hair to bleach their color from the inside out.
The research was completed after studying a group of 2,411 people internationally.
Senile hair graying: H 2 O 2 -mediated oxidative stress affects human hair color by blunting methionine sulfoxide repair.
Senile graying of human hair has been the subject of intense research since ancient times. Reactive oxygen species have been implicated in hair follicle melanocyte apoptosis and DNA damage. Here we show for the first time by FT-Raman spectroscopy in vivo that human gray/white scalp hair shafts accumulate hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in millimolar concentrations. Moreover, we demonstrate almost absent catalase and methionine sulfoxide reductase A and B protein expression via immunofluorescence and Western blot in association with a functional loss of methionine sulfoxide (Met-S=O) repair in the entire gray hair follicle. Accordingly, Met-S=O formation of Met residues, including Met 374 in the active site of tyrosinase, the key enzyme in melanogenesis, limits enzyme functionality, as evidenced by FT-Raman spectroscopy, computer simulation, and enzyme kinetics, which leads to gradual loss of hair color. Notably, under in vitro conditions, Met oxidation can be prevented by l-methionine. In summary, our data feed the long-voiced, but insufficiently proven, concept of H2O2-induced oxidative damage in the entire human hair follicle, inclusive of the hair shaft, as a key element in senile hair graying, which does not exclusively affect follicle melanocytes. This new insight could open new strategies for intervention and reversal of the hair graying process.
—Wood, JM, Decker, H., Hartmann, H., Chavan, B., Rokos, H., Spencer, JD, Hasse, S., Thornton, MJ, Shalbaf, M., Paus, R., Schallreuter, KU Senile hair graying: H 2 O 2 -mediated oxidative stress affects human hair color by blunting methionine sulfoxide repair.
Source: FASEB Journal .
Senile graying of hair: Oxidative stress caused by H 2 O 2 affects human hair color by reducing the restoration of methionine sulfoxide.
The graying of human hair due to old age has been the subject of intensive research since ancient times. In the human body, reactive oxygen species are produced which are responsible for the apoptosis (programmed cell death) of the melanocytes in the hair follicles and DNA damage. From the present research, it is demonstrated for the first time, through in vivo FT-Raman spectroscopy, that a concentration of hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ), measured in millimoles per liter, is observed in the gray / white hairs of the human head. In addition, we demonstrate the almost complete absence of expression of catalase and methionine sulfoxide reductase A and B, by immunofluorescence and Western blotting in conjunction with the functional loss of methionine sulfoxide repair (Met-S = O) throughout the follicle gray hair. Accordingly, as demonstrated by FT-Raman spectroscopy, computer simulation, and enzyme kinetics, the formation of methionine sulfoxide [Met-S = O] from methionine (Met) residues, including Met 374 in the tyrosinase active site , a key enzyme in melanogenesis, limits the functionality of the enzyme and leads to the gradual loss of hair color. More specifically, under in vitro conditions, methionine oxidation can be prevented by the presence of L-methionine. In summary, our data support the long-held - but insufficiently proven - view that oxidative damage caused by H 2 O 2 to the entire human hair follicle, including its shaft, is the key element in hair discoloration. due to old age, which does not exclusively affect follicular melanocytes. This new understanding could create new strategies for intervention and reversal of the hair graying process.
-Wood, JM, Decker, H., Hartmann, H., Chavan, B., Rokos, H., Spencer, JD, Hasse, S., Thornton, MJ, Shalbaf, M, Paus, R., Schallreuter, KU Senile graying of hair: Oxidative stress caused by H 2 O 2 affects human hair color by reducing the restoration of methionine sulfoxide.
Source: FASEB Journal .